© Greg Gorman
With his spoken word show "End of the World"

Live on stage!

John Waters' aktuelle Spoken-Word-Show trägt den Titel "End of the World". Dieser brandneue, rasante, komische Monolog über die Verzweiflung und die Krankheiten, die Sehnsüchte und die Enttäuschungen von heute kommt mit einem wahnsinnigen Optimismus daher, der alle Zuschauer:innen in einer neu heran dämmernden Verderbtheit willkommen heißt. Wie erfindet man das Filmgeschäft neu, wie umarmt man die Dummheit auf intellektuelle Weise, und wie überschreitet man sogar die Grenzen der sexuellen Transgression?

John Waters, der Mann, den William S. Burroughs den "Pope of Trash" und den die Presse "The People's Pervert" genannt hat, wird unser aller Wahnsinn in Hoffnung verwandeln und uns in ein freudiges Delirium für alle Zeiten führen...

"Die Apokalypse wird aufregend" Von Julia Deutsch (30.3.2023)
"Der ewige Provokateur" Von Christian Fuchs (29.3.2023)
"Als ich Elvis sah, wusste ich, ich bin schwul" Von Karl Fluch (30.3.2023)


John Waters has written and directed sixteen movies including Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, Polyester, Hairspray, Cry Baby, Serial Mom and A Dirty Shame. Both Pink Flamingos and Hairspray have been added to the U.S. Library of Congress’ National Film Registry.

He is the author of ten books and has released two music compilation CDs. He is a member of - among many other institutions - The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. 

John Waters’ filmmaking was honored with retrospectives all over the world as well as he was awarded Honorary Doctorates of Fine Arts from various prestigious colleges and schools. He is a photographer whose work has been shown in galleries all over the world. He was selected as a juror for the Venice Biennale and he has appeared in many motion pictures and television shows.

He’s performed his one man spoken-word lectures entitled “End of the World”, “This Filthy World”, “False Negative” or “Make Trouble” and his annual Christmas show, “A John Waters Christmas”, at colleges, museums, film festivals and comedy clubs around the world.

© Greg Gorman