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Der Star der von Martin Scorsese gedrehten erfolgreichen Netflix Serie “Pretend It’s a City” kommt wieder nach Wien: zum zweiten Mal live auf die Bühne des Gartenbaukinos!
Fran Lebowitz ist als Autorin, Satirikerin und scharfsinnige Beobachterin und Kommentatorin der Gesellschaft eine New Yorker Ikone. Sie ist häufiger und gern gesehener Gast bei allen wichtigen amerikanischen Talkshows und ist für ihre beißenden Bemerkungen und Bonmots genauso bekannt wie für ihre maßgeschneiderten Anzugsakkos.
In a cultural landscape filled with endless pundits and talking heads, Fran Lebowitz stands out as one of America's most insightful social commentators.
Her essays and interviews offer her acerbic views on current events and the media – as well as pet peeves including tourists, baggage-claim areas, after-shave lotion, adults who roller skate, children who speak French, or anyone who is unduly tan. The New York Times Book Review calls Lebowitz an "important humorist in the classic tradition." Purveyor of urban cool, Lebowitz is a cultural satirist whom many call the heir to Dorothy Parker.
Lebowitz on special interest groups: “Special-interest publications should realize that if they are attracting enough advertising and readers to make a profit, the interest is not so special.”
Lebowitz on frankness: “Spilling your guts is exactly as charming as it sounds.”
Lebowitz on herself: “Success didn't spoil me, I've always been insufferable.”
This is Lebowitz off the cuff. Her writing — pointed, taut and economical — is equally forthright, irascible, and unapologetically opinionated.
The Gartenbaukino is happy to present the star from Netflix' successful documentary series "Pretend It's a City" for the second time on its stage.